What’s New With the NAR Settlement?

What’s New With the NAR Settlement?

I understand many of my clients are curious about how the NAR settlement will alter the upcoming housing market. So, I wanted to shed a little light on the situation. 

What can buyers expect when it comes to agent compensation?

First things first, buyer agent commission has always been negotiable. That is something that has not changed, but where this conversation takes place is now up for debate. Buyer agent commission was typically stated on the MLS—and while listing advertising will still play a large part on the MLS, buyer agents are now expected to take these conversations offline.

This shift is an opportunity to enhance trust between real estate professionals and their clients. Agents are now encouraged to clearly present their value proposition, differentiate their professional skills, and ensure that compensation discussions are part of their client interactions. This emphasis on communication and trust-building sets the stage for stronger, more collaborative relationships in the industry.

For more information, you can visit NAR FAQs.

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